CEO’s Corner: While You’ve Been Thinking, They’ve Been Growing
We understand and appreciate the fact that accountants considering our Plan 2 Client Acquisition Programare doing a good deal of thinking. After all, that program requires a considerable investment of time, money and emotion. Is this the right approach to grow my firm? Do I have enough cash to make it happen? Will it work? These are just a few of the many questions you’ve probably asked yourself and others. A fair amount of skepticism is good and even warranted, but you don’t want to become a “doubting Thomas” either. With Easter having just passed this story feels appropriate. Thomas was one of Christ’s 12 disciples. For those unfamiliar, Thomas did not believe that Christ had risen from the dead because he was not present when 10 of the other disciples witnessed Jesus after his resurrection. He said he would only believe when he could see for himself that Jesus had risen, hence the phrase “doubting Thomas” was born. While NCI is certainly not professing to perform any miracles when it comes to growing your practice, we do have a fair amount of recent success stories we’d like to share with you. Many, if not all, of these accountants had the same doubts that you are having. They’ve done their share of thinking about and researching this decision, what we in the world of sales would refer to as TIO (thinking it over.) The one thing that separates them from you is they decided to act and are being rewarded for that decision. After all, no one ever got very far by staying camped at a fork in the road. So I decided to publish some of our more recent success stories to help you along the road to a decision that can have a profound impact on your practice and your future. Speaking of Doubting Thomas, I recently had one accountant who suggested that all of NCI successes are in the past. He believes that our methods are outdated and as a result ineffective in today’s accounting marketplace. Well you’d have a hard time convincing the following accountants of that. Take a look for yourself:
- Margaret Stampley, CPA – Based in Charlotte, NC – Started in October 2013. Says she tripled her business since implementation of Plan 2.
- Andrew Thompson, CPA – Based in Indianapolis, IN – Started Plan 2 on October 17, 2014 in Indianapolis, IN. In six months he has generated approximately 35 new monthly clients, representing over 50k in new billings. He is a start-up firm and has been through some ups and downs with regards to learning curve, working capital etc. He attended our Advanced Processing Seminar as well. He says that while not profitable just yet, he sees light at the end of the tunnel and it looks bright!
- Gary Johnson, CPA – Based in Fort Worth, TX – NCI placed a new CSR in his firm in December 2014. Since then, he brought on 40 monthly clients representing over $125k in new billings.
- Sobhi Boktor – Based in Atlanta, GA, Sobhi is only four weeks into the program but they’ve been an eventful four weeks! His CSR has signed on 10 clients and $19,000 in new billings so far.
- Chris Hinkle- Chris is in Camarillo, CA and his program has generated $73,380 in new billings. The program started October 10, 2014.
- Jay Chimayan – Based in Glendale, CA, Jay’s program has generated $207,011 in billings. The program started on November 1, 2013.
- Susanne Mariga, CPA – Based in Houston, TX – Susanne’s program has generated $441,965 (!) since starting on July 21, 2012.
- Joe Pancerella, CPA- Joe is based out of Reading, PA, who some of you may recognize as a featured guest speaker on NCI’s promotional webinars and as the instructor of our Advanced Processing Seminar. Joe recently wrote to me saying, “Since starting the program up again (with a few tweaks), we have about $56,000 in new sales through February.”
So there you have it results from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Ready to join them and the thousands of others who have benefited from their relationship with NCI? Call us today at 1-888-NEW-CLIENTS (1-888-639-2543) and let’s begin the journey together.
Bruce J. Clark, CEO Author, NCI Effect, Explosive Client Growth Plan for Accountants and CPAs www.ncieffect.com