Grow Your Annual Billings 30% or More in 2016
I recently was speaking to NCI client Ray Halstead, CPA from Charlotte, NC when he commented, “Bruce we’ve grown 30% in 2015 this thing is like a monster, it just keeps growing and growing and you have to wrestle with the processing but everything is really great.” Ray started with NCI back in 2012 by implementing our Plan 2 Client Acquisition Program and hit the $300,000 billing guarantee on target within two years. Since that time, he’s continued to grow and prosper as evidenced by our recent conversation. Ray has goals that we helped him set and a plan on achieving those goals that we helped implement. Now he’s seeing the results of those actions first hand.
So here’s the $300,000 question, what about you? Do you have a written list of goals for 2016 with a plan on achieving them? Or are you following the same ho hum plan from 2015? What about marketing and sales? Do you treat these like many accounting firms do as something you’ll do when you get around to it or something you’re not sure really works? Perhaps you’re not comfortable with the selling aspect and need training to increase your confidence in performing this vital function? These questions are ones you need to ask yourself as you head into 2016 if you’d like to realize growth similar to or better than what Ray and many of our other clients have been able to achieve.
With the tax season soon to be under way, there is no better time to start our Plan 2 program. NCI is offering substantial discounts for programs that begin in February, March or April but January is already fully booked. Save upwards of $3,500, or even more if you’re a previous NCI client, as you’ll receive a credit for the program you purchased from us previously. Plus, we have limited start dates that qualify for NCI financing on a portion of the initial investment. The time to act is now and NCI has the tools, the experience and the personnel to help you realize your goals and dreams in 2016. Call today at 1-888-639-2543 for more information and to select a start date.
Bruce J. Clark, CEO
Author, NCI Effect, Explosive Client Growth Plan for Accountants and CPAs and Beyond the NCI Effect, Sales Strategies That Matter to Grow and Accounting Practice