NCI’s New Website is Live!
Over the winter, while all you accountants were busy cranking out tax returns, the team members here at NCI were busy recreating our website. It’s amazing to me how the younger generation at NCI can never seem to leave well enough alone. They kept saying “We need to update the look of our website, it looks somewhat dated.” I’m thinking, yeah, just like me, right? Anyway, after enough cajoling by my sons Tyler and Chris, I relented.
As usual, any sizable undertaking of a technological nature never goes without a hitch or three. The first web designer we hired missed some deadlines and were weren’t thrilled with their overall progress. So when my daughter-in-law Kathy, Chris’s wife and our accounting manager, said she thought she could create the new site for us. I asked her to put together a rough mock-up of what she had in mind and boy did she deliver. Her mock-up proved to me that she was more than up to the task so I asked her to continue her work on the site. It was and still is a collaborative effort by everyone here at NCI, but I especially want to thank Kathy for all her hard work on developing the site from the ground up and in record time. She also developed many of the various graphics that you see on the site.
I also want to thank Todd Steinberg for his outstanding professional delivery on several new videos we added to the site, and another round of thanks go to Tyler who shot and edited these videos. I want to thank Marge DiCamillo for her oversight and both her and Chris for their help editing and checking links on the various webpages. A total team effort from start to finish!
We invite you to check out our new website where you’ll find a more focused and streamlined affair with better graphics, new videos explaining our services, easier ways to sign up for our various programs and overall a fresh new look for NCI from our team. As always, any suggestions from our ever-expanding client base are encouraged and welcome. Shoot me an email at bruce@newclientsinc.com to tell me what you like or what you think we could do better. For those of you reading this who have yet to sign up for one of our practice building programs, I encourage you to watch our video client testimonials or read our success story interviews that have been featured on the pages of this newsletter in the past. If these inspiring stories of growth and prosperity don’t spur you to action, then nothing we say or do here at NCI will.
Bruce J. Clark, CEO Author, NCI Effect, Explosive Client Growth Plan for Accountants and CPAs Beyond the NCI Effect, Sales Strategies That Matter to Grow an Accounting Practice www.ncieffect.com