NCI Will Help Finance Your Growth
The old adage “it takes money to make money” is definitely true. Try starting a business without it and you’ll know what I mean. Unfortunately, due to the Dodd Frank banking regulations that were put in place after the “Great Recession,” borrowing today has become much more difficult. Recognizing this problem for would-be accounting entrepreneurs, NCI is offering a limited time financing option on our Plan 2 Client Acquisition Program. Sign up for our Plan 2 program in either August or September and we’ll finance 50% of the initial investment. This provides you easier access to the single most effective program in the U.S. to build a practice. It will also give you more working capital to fund the expansion of your practice. Having adequate working capital is crucial to the success of this or any business endeavor. NCI will spread your payments over 36 months at 6% interest and there’s no prepayment penalty should you decide to pay it off early.
We are also now offering financing on our Plan 1 Practice Development Seminar. Payments can be spread over a three month period at 0% interest. This allows you to access a sales and marketing training program that’s has enhanced the lives and practices of thousands of firms nationwide over the past 30 years. Look, if you’re in practice today or are getting ready to start one, surely you are aware of the absolute importance of marketing and securing new clients. Without an effective, proven sales system, how do you expect to grow? We have that system, a system refined and improved over 30 years, ready and waiting for you. So if your growth goals are not being met, if your practice has stagnated or has gone backwards then you owe it to yourself to join our list of happy, satisfied and successful clients. Call today at 1-800-338-0778 and get registered or register yourself online for our Practice Development Seminar. Call us to register for Plan 2 and to check on availability for start dates that qualify for financing.
To Your Success,
Bruce J. Clark, CEO Author, NCI Effect, Explosive Client Growth Plan for Accountants and CPAs Beyond the NCI Effect, Sales Strategies That Matter to Grow an Accounting Practice www.ncieffect.com