Twice as Successful in Las Vegas
This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Joe Lombardo from Las Vegas, NV. Joe has been the CSR in two separate NCI Plan 2 programs in the Las Vegas market and he was able to […]
Jeff Matthews in Sulfur, LA
Jeff and I had some difficulty connecting for this interview, so Jeff ended up typing up his responses to my questions. Jeff has been an NCI student since early in 2003, when he first attended our […]
On Track to Reach $300,000 Guarantee in 12 Months!
This is a bit of a lengthy interview, but it really speaks for itself. Chuck has been running the program for only six and a half months and has achieved phenomenal results during that short time […]
George Spalenka: Two Time Success as a CSR
This month’s interview was handled a little bit differently. George Spalenka was kind enough to take the questions I emailed to him and write up his responses to them, negating an actual […]
From $0 to $600,000 in Business for an Initial Investment of $2,500!
What does an accountant do when they’re looking to start and grow an accounting practice but don’t know where to begin? Gary Adams faced that dilemma back in 1993 when he decided to attend […]
$75,000 in New Business in Only Four Months!
When I asked Don Hillman if he would be interested in doing a success story interview with me, he agreed on one condition. He said that he would do the interview as long as we gave plenty of […]
Being a Successful CSR in “The Great Recession”
This interview is a follow up to our feature of CPA Tim Howard as a success story. This interview is with Tim’s CSR, Charles Katz, who has been in the position for about 16 months now and he has a lot of sales wisdom to share
100+ Clients Signed in 1.5 Years!
As accountants are quite busy this time of year, we are featuring a CSR for this month’s success story. Jason Russell is the CSR for David Shirey, CPA, in Houston, Texas. David originally attended […]
Added $150,000 in One Year and Still Growing Strong!
Tim Howard first attended the NCI Plan I Practice Development Seminar way back in June of 1993. He also has purchased the home-study version of the Advanced Processing Seminar. After […]
Living the Dream: $350,000 in Two Years and a Benz to Boot!
This month I had the pleasure of interviewing NCI client Adil Baloch. He started his business with the NCI marketing program right at the start of 2007, looking down the barrel of a steady […]