The Greatest Compliment We Receive: New and Returning Clients
October 21st I was a presenter at NCI’s October Practice Development Seminar held at the Philadelphia Airport Renaissance hotel. We had new firms in from all over the country attending and we are very grateful for their business. New York, Colorado, California, Texas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Oklahoma and North Carolina were all represented. That these individuals would travel so far to spend three days with us learning how to successfully sell their services is truly inspiring. Having spent thousands of dollars to make that journey, you know they must really believe in what they have chosen to pursue. I applaud their commitment because they are a rare breed. What do I mean by rare breed? Each year NCI speaks with thousands of CPAs and accountants across the country. Out of those thousands only a small percentage, perhaps 5%, make the decision to work with us to grow their practice. This group is interestingly connected to another successful group of people in the U.S. The top 5% of wage earners in the U.S. make over $159,000 per year according to the 2014 IRS statistic. Most of NCI’s clients who have attended one of these events have entered the top 5%. We have many clients who are in the top 1%, those who make over $380,000 per year and in many cases when they undertook the NCI program they started with no clients.
Also in attendance were five former clients, two of which go back 25 years in our history. They are returning to learn about all the new and exciting things we’ve developed to help them become even more prosperous. To me, there is no greater compliment than this. That these professionals would come back, in some cases over a decade later, and reinvest into working with us again should say it all to those of you questioning whether NCI is the right move for you. We’ve had many clients do our Plan 2 Client Acquisition Program two and in some cases three times over the years. Why would they do this? Obviously, because it has worked for them previously and we have earned their trust and repeat business. I am truly honored to have stood in front of this group of proactive accountants and will give them 100% effort to make sure their investment in NCI and in themselves turns out to be the best they ever make. I hope that many of you reading this will soon join them at our next seminar this January in sunny Orlando, Florida.